Taking the road less traveled

Oregon Hot Springs

Over the years we have had the opportunity to soak in many of the natural hot springs Oregon has to offer. 


Bagby Hot Springs

Distance from Portland: about 70 miles

Fee: $5 per person / day (you'll get a sexy wristband)

These are natural springs that have an option of the public tubs or private logs to soak. Public nudity is not allowed but be prepared for it. The springs can be quite crowded and has a party feel that isn't always relaxing to be around. We've had mixed experiences during our times here. 


Austin Hot Springs

Distance from Portland: about 60 miles

Fee: free but possibly on private property - we haven't been able to confirm

These are natural springs are located along the Clackamas River. We have only had one experience here and loved every minute. We've tried to soak a few times after but found the river was too high or there was an insane crowd with no more room to soak. For us it's been hit or miss expect for that one weekend when it was raining, cold and perfect water temps.

Pro tip: the rugs are there to help so you don't scald yourself on, at times, 200+ degree bursts of hot water. We tried to boil an egg which was scary when the egg white was not runny.


Umpqua Hot Springs

Distance from Portland: most direct 237 miles

Fee: $5 per vehicle/ day OR a Northwest Forest Pass works

The hike to the pools is a steep .25 miles and can be challenging attempting after dark. Be sure to wear proper footwear if adventuring at night. There is one covered pool and four cascading pools below. If you are feeling adventurous, hike down to the river and soak. Be sure to look up and see the bats. These springs are common to see naked bodies. Embrace and enjoy.


Alvord Hot Springs

Distance from Portland: most direct route is 387 miles

Fee: $5 per person / day OR if you paid to camp it's part of your camping fee

In 2013 the the Davis Family (owners) tore down the old structure and built new which you see here. We have visited a few times now and nearly ever time had the tubs to ourselves. The spring has been our favorite visits because the weather is so unappreciable. We've been hailed, snowed and gotten a sunburn in the same day. Nudity is acceptable if no children are around. 


Cougar Hot Springs

Distance from Portland: most direct route is 162 miles

Fee: $6 per person / day

Not our most favorite hot springs we've soaked in but still worth a stop if in the area. There are cascading pools but the top two are the warmest and you'll be arm to arm with your neighbor. Since you are in a circle your neighbors will awkwardly look at you but only really talk to their friends.